Monday, March 15, 2010

Portraits of Denim

Welcome to the wold of used denim as insulation! I believe GAP is doing some denim recycling program at the moment; bring in your old jeans to lead a new life as insulation, get a coupon for new GAP jeans. Well all that shredded, mashed up denim winds up looking like this.

Back at the Levi's building renovation, I was handed a block of denim insulation to photograph. I posed it amongst the steel beams that would eventually be enclosed inside office walls.

Selective color in a B&W photo is such a cheesy effect, (cheesified to the max by those now iconic photos of kids in Oliver Twist Era Outfits holding red roses) that I thought I'd apply it to the least likely of cheesy photos; a lounging pad of denim insulation. Three floors of the building are completely gutted, and filled with the sound of drills and clanging. All surfaces covered with thick construction dust. A little odd to be the only woman, as this is a construction site, but everyone was very courteous. Most windows were papered over with a few exceptions; it was in these naturally lit areas where I took the most photos.

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